To reduce that rate of childhood obesity in America.
Flash is a shoe designed for children that uses kinetic energy to power exciting indicator lights to incentivize activity.

Defining the Issue
I studied the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals in order to find a design opportunity. After researching, I chose goal number three, "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."

Existing Products
I began by researching existing products for children that incentivize activity.

Filling the Gaps
Obviously fitness tracking shoes exist, but they are not designed for children. Additionally light-up shoes exist, but they do not incentivize activity!

To better understand the needs of my target user, I developed personas.

How might we create a product that incentivizes activity for children in an unobtrusive way?

Moving to 3D
Since these concepts required complex forms, I moved my initial concepts to 3D to better evaluate my options.

Color Exploration

The Final Product

The App
To involve the parents and further incentive activity, I created an app. This app is used by the parents to set goals and rewards for their child, since the child most likely would not have a phone themselves. Even if the child did, it wouldn’t be likely that he/she would set a personal goal.


Child puts on shoes.

Parent and child set goals for the day together using the app.

Shoes start glowing according to app settings once motion is detected.

Shoe color and intensity change when certain milestones are reached.

Shoe flashes rainbow colors when rewards are unlocked!

Incentivizes healthy behavior and rewards children for meeting goals.

End-of-Life Consideration
This product’s modular design encourages reuse. These parts are compartmentalized for two reasons:
1. Since the tech components are separate from the shoe itself, the tech can be salvaged when the shoe is outgrown or worn out. (Especially since kids outgrow shoes so often)
2. If the shoe itself is in good condition but the tech component has stopped working, parts can easily be replaced without discarding the entire product.